Degrees Health, Wellness, and Exercise Science

The objectives of the Department of Health, Wellness, and Exercise Science are to provide the following:

  1. The professional preparation of skilled teachers of physical education and health, as well as qualified persons in the allied areas of strength and conditioning, coaching, athletic health care, general health care, and sport management.
  2. Preparation for the student to pursue graduate studies.
  3. The opportunity for the student to experience both the learning of theory and the discovery of application through practical extracurricular experiences.
  4. The opportunity for certification in first aid, CPR, and strength and conditioning.
  5. Wholesome health and fitness attitudes and knowledge for all students so that they may have the opportunity to discover and to choose healthy life styles.

Prospective elementary and secondary teachers of health and physical education must student teach at both levels for state certification. Education courses offered through the Education Department for teacher certification are required. Consultation may be secured through the Education Department.

A student may receive a B.A. in Exercise Science without teacher certification.

Transfer students must complete at least 40% of their major course work at Benedictine College to receive a B.A. in Exercise Science, Strength and Conditioning, or Athletic Health Care, and at least 40% of their minor course work at Benedictine College to receive an Exercise Science minor or a Teaching Physical Education minor.

As a general school requirement, all students are required to take EXSC-1115, Wellness for Life and one fitness course.

A maximum of one hour of fitness credit may be acquired through varsity sport participation. This applies both to majors and to non-majors.

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